- Preparation of reports, letters and other correspondence
- Data entry / contact list updates
- Meeting minutes
- Power-point presentations
- Schedule coordination
- Meeting organization
- There are many ways we can help streamline your business. Let’s talk about ways to make that happen.
- Invoicing
- Time sheet preparation
- Expense tracking
- Data entry
- Let's figure out ways you can spend your time making money not writing it down!
Customer service
- Email inquiry follow-up
- Customer satisfaction follow-up
- Thank you for your order cards/messages
- Let's discuss a way that I can help ensure tour clients are happy
Human Resources
Hiring new staff can be a daunting task. Just going through the stack of resumes can take a long time. We can work with you to design the job posting, receive the resumes, screen and organize them for your review.
- Resume screening
- Pre-screening calls
- Interview scheduling
- Emain recognition of receipt of resume
Every person that applies for your job could also be a customer someday, shouldn’t you ensure that they receive an email to thank them for taking the time to apply? We can do that!
Marketing / event management
- Marketing
- Coordinate production of materials
- Client recognition
- Thank you notes and corporate gift giving
- Research
- Registration
- Nametags/welcome packages
Web/Blog Updates
- Email organization/prioritization
- Blog moderation
- Blog updates
- Social Media updates
- Research